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Karen is 6 years older than her sister Michelle, and Michelle is 2 years younger than their brother David. If the sum of their ages is 62, how old is Michelle?

Question 2 of 135
2 . Question

A barista averages making 16 coffees per hour. At this rate, how many hours will it take until she’s made 1,200 coffees?

Question 3 of 135
3 . Question

Camille uses a 20% off coupon when buying a sweater that costs $47.99. If she also pays 6% sales tax on the purchase, how much does she pay?

Question 4 of 135
4 . Question

At Michael’s smoothie shop smoothies cost $3.50 during the week and $4.00 on weekends. If Jonathan bought a smoothie every day except Saturday how much did he spend on smoothies that week?

Question 5 of 135
5 . Question
In a classroom of 32 students, 14 are male. What percentage of the class is female? Question 6 of 135
6 . Question

Cory’s average score after 8 tests is 91%. If he gets a 78% on his 9th test, what will his new average be?

Question 7 of 135
7 . Question

Which figure best shows how the objects in the left box will appear if they are fit together?

Question 8 of 135
8 . Question

Which figure best shows how the objects in the left box will touch if the letters for each object are matched?

Question 9 of 135
9 . Question

Which figure best shows how the objects in the left box will appear if they are fit together?

Question 10 of 135
10 . Question

Which figure best shows how the objects in the left box will touch if the letters for each object are matched?

Question 11 of 135
11 . Question

Which figure best shows how the objects in the left box will appear if they are fit together?

Question 12 of 135
12 . Question

Which figure best shows how the objects in the left box will touch if the letters for each object are matched?

Question 13 of 135
13 . Question
Your woodwork has a slightly uneven plane. Which tool should you use to correct the problem? Question 14 of 135
14 . Question
Drill bits can be loosened and tightened using a Question 15 of 135
15 . Question
The four strokes of a four-stroke engine cycle are (in the correct order) Question 16 of 135
16 . Question
Welders using the electric-arc welding method wear face shields to protect themselves from Question 17 of 135
17 . Question

If the distance between two parallel sides of a bolt head is 3/8 of an inch, which socket drive size should you use?

Question 18 of 135
18 . Question
How does an increase in pressure affect the coolant’s boiling point? Question 19 of 135
19 . Question
The rate of electrons through a conductor is measured in units of . Question 20 of 135
20 . Question
Which of these is an acceptable symbol used for amperes? Question 21 of 135
21 . Question
Current is measured using . Question 22 of 135
22 . Question
The two types of electrical current are . Question 23 of 135
23 . Question
32 cycles per second is equivalent to . Question 24 of 135
24 . Question
Electrical resistance is best defined as . Question 25 of 135
25 . Question
At which temperature would water freeze if recorded on a Fahrenheit thermometer? Question 26 of 135
26 . Question
What blood type is considered the universal recipient? Question 27 of 135
27 . Question

During its circulation throughout the body, blood from the left ventricle then goes to which of these locations?

Question 28 of 135
28 . Question
Which of these substances has the lowest pH? Question 29 of 135
29 . Question
Which color of visible light has the lowest frequency? Question 30 of 135
30 . Question
The energy possessed by a moving object is called energy. Question 31 of 135
31 . Question
Which of the following statements about trapezoids is true? Question 32 of 135
32 . Question

Two parallel lines are intersected by a third line, which is perpendicular to the first parallel line. The value of another angle made by the intersecting lines is:

Question 33 of 135
33 . Question

Given a circle with a radius of 0.85 meters, find the area of 1/3 of the circle. Use 3.14 for pi and round to the nearest hundredth.

Question 34 of 135
34 . Question
Given that x = 0.5 and y = 4, what is the value of 4×2(2y+2)? Question 35 of 135
35 . Question

You are told that one of the internal angles of a parallelogram is 54 degrees. This means at least one other angle must be equal to:

Question 36 of 135
36 . Question
The area of a circle is given as 24π. What is its radius? Question 37 of 135
37 . Question
What is Newton’s Third Law of Motion? Question 38 of 135
38 . Question
The term equilibrium is defined as . Question 39 of 135
39 . Question
What is the definition and the danger of recoil? Question 40 of 135
40 . Question
Another word or phrase for false gravity is . Question 41 of 135
41 . Question
The phrase “to adopt power” means when working. Question 42 of 135
42 . Question
A should be applied if gear shafts are not parallel to one another. Question 43 of 135
43 . Question

According to the passage, where would a destructive volcanic eruption be most likely to happen? From Alaska to the southern tip of Chile lies the Ring of Fire. In between, it travels along the western coast of North and South America and along the eastern coast of Asia. At its northernmost points, the Ring goes through Russia, Japan, the Philippines, and New Guinea. Also going through Australia, the Ring of Fire marks a unique area. It is here that some of the most destructive recorded volcanoes have erupted.

Question 44 of 135
44 . Question

According to the passage, all of these are years of the Summer Olympics, except . Every four years, athletes from all over the world gather in a different place for the Summer Olympic Games. In 2012, the site was London, England, where 10,500 participants gathered. They represented 204 countries and territories and earned 302 medals in 26 different sports.

Question 45 of 135
45 . Question

The word alternate, as used in the passage, most nearly means . The American Flag began with a flag created in 1777 and used until 1795. Congress then ordered, with passage of an act, that the new flag be composed of 15 alternating red and white stripes and contain a blue field with 15 stars. Another change was made by Congress in 1818. This edition of the flag was to alternate only 13 stripes, but a new star was to be added for each state that joined the Union.

Question 46 of 135
46 . Question

What is the best title for this passage? Geologists in Rome have a new venture. Underneath the city’s streets and architecture lies a system of quarries and tunnels. It is believed that these passages were formed in the early days of the ancient city. The main concern for geologists is that the city may sink into the below-ground areas. These professionals hope their studies of the tunnels will help prevent that occurrence.

Question 47 of 135
47 . Question

According to the passage, what is the oldest known civilization of India? Comparable to the decline of the great Mayan culture, the fall of the ancient Indus Valley people yields interesting information about their daily lives. It seems that this civilization is the oldest recorded civilization in India, yet many of their practices seem advanced. For example, there is evidence of careful and creative design of bathroom facilities, including sewage disposal. What is evident in other ancient societies seems to be missing from the Indus Valley one, namely social conflict, slavery, armed forces, and various vices. The cause of their sudden demise is a mystery.

Question 48 of 135
48 . Question

The word stupefied, as used in the passage, most nearly means . One would not think that evidence of the existence of European people 2,000 years ago could be found in China, but Victor Mair might beg to differ. A group of archaeologists in western China came upon some mummified bodies. A college professor, Mair, helped examine them and was stupefied. What he found on the Tarim mummies were signs of blond hair and long noses. In 1993, after the mummies had been placed in a museum, Mair returned to take DNA samples from the specimens. The test results on these samples confirmed what Mair had suspected: the genes were most certainly European.

Question 49 of 135
49 . Question
Revenue most nearly means Question 50 of 135
50 . Question
To necessitate most nearly means Question 51 of 135
51 . Question
The machine has manual controls. Question 52 of 135
52 . Question
Deportment most nearly means Question 53 of 135
53 . Question
Prior most nearly means Question 54 of 135
54 . Question
Grimy most nearly means Question 55 of 135
55 . Question

Julie gives 7 pieces of candy to each of her friends. If Julie gives all of her candy away, which amount of candy could have been the amount she distributed?

Question 56 of 135
56 . Question

Which figure best shows how the objects in the left box will touch if the letters for each object are matched?

Question 57 of 135
57 . Question
Automatic transmissions transmit engine torque to the transmission via a Question 58 of 135
58 . Question
To measure voltage, one would use . Question 59 of 135
59 . Question
Which part of the atom helps determine its atomic number? Question 60 of 135
60 . Question
Calculate the area of a parallelogram with a base of 3 feet and a height of 1.2 feet. Question 61 of 135
61 . Question
Which part of the atom helps determine its atomic number? Question 62 of 135
62 . Question
Which part of the brain is responsible for involuntary actions such as breathing and heart beat? Question 63 of 135
63 . Question
Of these options, which is the most specific category of biological classification? Question 64 of 135
64 . Question
Which of these is not a unit of length? Question 65 of 135
65 . Question
Which gas primarily makes up the Earth’s atmosphere? Question 66 of 135
66 . Question
Which element has no neutrons? Question 67 of 135
67 . Question
How many chromosomes are found in a human sperm cell? Question 68 of 135
68 . Question
Shale, gypsum rock, coal, and sandstone are examples of which type of rock? Question 69 of 135
69 . Question
What structure connects muscle to bone? Question 70 of 135
70 . Question

Julie gives 7 pieces of candy to each of her friends. If Julie gives all of her candy away, which amount of candy could have been the amount she distributed?

Question 71 of 135
71 . Question

Four out of 28 students had to go to summer school. What is the ratio of students who did not have to go to summer school expressed, in its lowest terms?

Question 72 of 135
72 . Question

If doughnuts are usually 75 cents each, but there is a sale on Friday advertising them as 1 dozen + half a dozen for $10.80, what is the new cost for just one?

Question 73 of 135
73 . Question

A cross country coach just announced that, by the end of the quarter, all students should run the 10 miles in less than 70 minutes. There are 15 students in the group. 6 of them ran 10 miles in 1 hour + 5 minutes 4 of them ran 10 miles in 1 hour + 3 minutes 2 of them ran 10 miles in 1 hour + 9 minutes 3 of them ran 10 miles in 1 hour and 10 minutes. How many students made the goal?

Question 74 of 135
74 . Question

You just went on a blind date and wanted to impress the girl by adding an 18% tip to the total cost of the meal. Two entrees came to a total of $35.90. The total for desserts came to $7.50 and the beverage total cost was $6.60. What is the 18% tip going to cost?

Question 75 of 135
75 . Question

You are asked to buy bags of cement to pour a cement pad for a hot tub. You need to fill the pad frame which has an 8-foot square base and one-foot high sides. Each bag of cement mixed will fill 5 cubic feet in the frame. How many bags will you need to buy to ensure enough to fill the entire frame?

Question 76 of 135
76 . Question

You are asked to chart the temperature during an 8 hour period to give the average. These are your results: 7am : negative 10 degrees 8am: 0 degrees 9 am: 30 degrees 10 am: 36 degrees 11 am: 40 degrees 12 pm: 42 degrees 1pm: 42 degrees 2 pm: 41 degrees What is the average temperature?

Question 77 of 135
77 . Question

Your uncle passed away and left you and your siblings his private property. He owned a 180 acre ranch and there are 3 of you. Each acre is valued at approximately $3,000. This means the monetary value for each sibling will be:

Question 78 of 135
78 . Question

You are planning your vacation and trying to figure out the total number of miles you will be traveling on a round trip from Portland, Oregon to Denver, Colorado, and back to Portland, Oregon. The scale for the map you are consulting shows that 1 inch = 4 miles. Measuring, you find that you will be traveling 314 1/2 inches for the one-way trip. What is the total number of miles you will be traveling during the entire round trip?

Question 79 of 135
79 . Question
Her malady caused side effects. Question 80 of 135
80 . Question
The man survived his three sisters. Question 81 of 135
81 . Question
She is a competent worker. Question 82 of 135
82 . Question
All service was suspended during the emergency. Question 83 of 135
83 . Question
The territory is too large for one platoon to defend. Question 84 of 135
84 . Question
Huge most nearly means Question 85 of 135
85 . Question
Myriad most nearly means Question 86 of 135
86 . Question
Mail will be forwarded to our new address. Question 87 of 135
87 . Question
The room was vacant when we arrived. Question 88 of 135
88 . Question

From this passage, the reader can infer that the Voynich Manuscript is believed to have originated around . When is a book unreadable? Well, when nobody knows the language in which it is written, this might be the case. In 1912, the Voynich Manuscript was found at a library in Rome. Among the 240 pages were pictures, accompanied by text written in an unknown language. Efforts by the most noted language experts failed and some people wrote off the 500-year-old manuscript as a hoax. As our methods of language analysis have improved, however, it has been determined that the mystery language does indeed have a working language pattern and structure. Various experts are now claiming to be able to decode a few words within this mysterious text.

Question 89 of 135
89 . Question

What is the main idea of this paragraph? Jeans from gold miners? It seems that one of today’s most popular pants styles actually came out of the California gold rush in the 19th century. Levi Strauss, a shopkeeper in California, started making something called “waist overalls,” his name for these early jeans. Gold miners loved them. Strauss added the familiar brown leather patch to the back pocket in 1886. The label featured two horses pulling a pair of jeans between themselves. Then, with the Hollywood Western craze of the 1930s, the popularity of jeans grew, as everyone wanted to look like a movie star. Since the 1990s, jeans have been worn by nearly everyone, from child to professional.

Question 90 of 135
90 . Question

Based on this passage, the author would agree that . If you want to visit the deepest lake in the United States, you’ll need to go to the southwestern part of Oregon. Since its establishment in 1902, Crater Lake has occupied 183,000 acres there and is 1,958 feet deep. This makes it one of the world’s deepest lakes. It all began when the Mount Mazama volcano erupted over 7,000 years ago. There were glaciers around the eruption site and clear blue water from them filled the volcano basin, or caldera. When you visit the Crater Lake National Park to see this wonder of nature, you will also find 680 species of plants, 158 types of birds, and 74 different animals.

Question 91 of 135
91 . Question

The word nomadic , as used in the passage, most nearly means . In Africa, there lives an interesting tribe of people: the Pygmies. They make their home in what used to be called Zaire, but is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. Pygmies are nomadic, wandering around, hunting, and procuring their own food. They have light-colored skin of a yellowish-brown shade and can also be found in rain forests of the Philippines and India.

Question 92 of 135
92 . Question

From this passage, the reader can infer that the cousin’s job title is most likely . My cousin has an interesting job. He contacts museums, organizers of cultural events, and performing arts companies in San Francisco about interesting activities they are planning. Then he does all sorts of promotions for these activities for visitors to the city. He has a background in hospitality and tourism and is very good at multi-tasking. These things really help! Another part of his job is to create ads, including those for billboards, magazines, and Web sites in other cities.

Question 93 of 135
93 . Question

Which of these titles would best summarize the point of this passage? In Wiltshire, England, there is a fascinating site. Near Salisbury stands a creation called Stonehenge. No one is sure of the meaning of the monument that has stood there since ancient times. Some people theorize that it was a temple for people who worshiped the sun. Others have dubbed it a center for healing, a burial site, or even a very large calendar. Many questions remain, such as how in the world the tremendous stones were moved and arranged by primitive people who had only the most basic of tools. In spite of all these questions, Stonehenge remains an impressive site.

Question 94 of 135
94 . Question

Many shoppers use an inclined plane to get to the second level in a mall. According to the passage, this would mean that they are most likely traveling by . Simple machines are devices that make our lives easier. They increase the magnitude or change the direction of a force. Using simple machines makes it easier to do many kinds of work. For example, when trying to get a refrigerator onto the back of a truck, a worker will use a ramp or inclined plane. Instead of lifting something heavy a short distance, we can more easily push it over a longer distance but to the same height. The term inclined plane can be used to describe an escalator, staircase, or slide.

Question 95 of 135
95 . Question

The word immune , as used in the passage, most nearly means . Too much exposure to the sun can damage not only your skin, but also other parts of your body. Everyone is exposed to some sunlight during daily activities. Being in the sun too much can burn the skin and cause skin cancer and premature aging. Many people do not know, however, that overexposure to the sun can also contribute to cataract formation, allergies, and immune system damage. Young people are the most at risk since 50% of one’s sun exposure is accomplished by age 18. Older folks also need to be careful and monitor their sun exposure.

Question 96 of 135
96 . Question

The author of this passage would agree that . Many Americans do not exercise at all and this lack of movement may be caused by lack of accurate information. There are those who think that they must be active for a long period of time each day. While more exercise is better, the minimum recommendation is only 30 minutes per day and you can split that into several shorter periods. Others think that they need a gym membership to get “proper” exercise. Actually, various activities can provide the needed movement, including gardening, walking, and dancing, if you move enough while doing them. There is a great deal of misinformation about exercise in magazines and on TV. Even friends can misrepresent what is actually needed to stay in shape.