Education on Your Resume.
Certificates, Courses, and Awards

Slava Melandovich

Written by Slava Melandovich

Additional Education on Your Resume. Certificates, Courses, and Awards

Additional Education in Your CV. Certificates, Courses, and Awards

Did you know that on about 40% of successful resumes, candidates gave accurate numbers and descriptions of their successes? It applies not only to the applicant's past work experience or skills. An important part of any professional questionnaire is the education section and a subsection with additional courses, trainings, or special classes. Many people are skeptical about this block, thinking practical skills are much more important than digital or wet print on the certificate.

On the one hand, it is true because most employers prefer to check the skills at a personal interview. But the selection of questionnaires is based on generally accepted criteria, including a block of certification. So what to put in additional education in a resume, and what types of courses to mention for a particular job? JOBITT experts have studied this question and prepared a small guide.

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Where to Place the Block With Certificates, Courses, and Awards?

There are two main positions where to place additional education in the resume.

The first is a block of education, where you enter information about the institute, university, and school.

The second is an additional dedicated section or the "about me" block.

Let us consider in detail the first option. Since there may be more than 10 certificates, you need to place them thoughtfully. Determine the priority ones for this job, and spell them out concisely. Include names, a mark, and if possible, attach a digital copy with a picture or file. Use the same font for all items. Don't try to fit everything in at once because additional ones can be demonstrated upon request at the interview.

About the Difference Between Certificates, Courses, and Trainings in the Resume

Since we need to put additional education on our resume, we must understand what to put in this section. There are three common types of additional education:

Courses face-to-face or distance learning, developing proficiency in developmental skills, professional development.

Trainings social classes aimed at motivation, self-development, or improvement of communication.

Certificates documents that summarize training results in digital or printed form.

Of the whole list, recruiters are most interested in courses and trainings on the resume, confirmed by a certificate with marks.

How to Describe Additional Education in Your Resume?

Most HR managers prefer minimalism in the candidate questionnaire. To describe the whole "way" of education and their strengths in detail is more appropriate in the CV, as in a detailed professional biography. A resume requires concise but capacious filed relevant facts. Here official documents about graduating from different courses, trainings, etc., are also written.

A university education does not always play a decisive role in the job market. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to specify it. After that, proceed to the description of additional education. This block is designed to provide information about:

courses, seminars, trainings;

courses to improve your skills.

There are many online classes available to anyone on the Internet. If you are a curious person and have studied different areas, choose the training information that directly relates to the desired position.

How to Place Certificates on a Resume?

There are no particular difficulties with the placement, but the data should be submitted in a structured form. Organization of space in the questionnaire shows your professional approach and significantly saves space in the document. So, let's see a sample of how to specify courses in the resume.


International Institute of Digital Technologies 2001-2007; master.

Marketing — Google OCM, Analytics.

3D modeling — SkillBox, Geek University.

Development — ITEA, ITVDN.


High School Academy of Digital Sciences 2002-2008; major.

Courses in marketing and analytics.

Training in development and design.

Modeling: from basic to pro level.

How to Correctly Indicate the Passage of the Courses on Your Resume?

List only relevant courses and training on the resume. As the IT world constantly changes, your knowledge of development techniques quickly becomes outdated.

For example, classes from ten years ago will confirm your knowledge of the methodologies of that time. But you may have weak knowledge of new directions. Recruiters care much more about practical skills, which correspond to modern working models.

Where to write information about courses on the resume? Of course, in the education block. The same applies to trainings. Both demonstrate your desire to improve and develop in your chosen field of work. Self-education for the employer sometimes serves as a much more important factor than a diploma from the university. After all, it shows them that you have a goal — to become a pro at what you do. And interaction with goal-oriented people is always preferable.

How to Include Information About Training in Your Resume?

Cultural values over time are transformed into something new, assiduity gives way to adaptability and speed of work, and subordination in communication is transformed into equality for all project participants.

Another important aspect is that employers look at the relevance of courses and training to the position. If you, for example, a specialist in marketing, have taken core courses and listed them for the position of a designer, then with a 90% chance, the recruiter will simply put aside your resume.

How to specify trainings in the resume to interest the employer? This block is included in the “Additional Education” section. Note that not all trainings can be listed in this box. Personal growth courses are better recalled in the "Personal qualities" column. In-depth language training simply indicates a proficiency level, for example, “English C1.”

Consider specialized training from the employer's point of view. Would they be interested in your law classes if you are applying for the designer position? Hardly, so you should write only about those trainings that:

improved your knowledge in your chosen field;

increased your practical skills;

gave a basic understanding of areas related to the job.

Awards and Recognitions

How do you put awards and recognitions on your resume? There is a section “Personal qualities” where you describe your characteristics and mention your achievements. The main thing is to highlight awards relevant to the job you want because recruiters value only those important for the position. Do not forget to accompany your successes in the application form with supporting facts.

Do not lie or “embellish” the information. It is usually easy to check it, and it is much more difficult to restore trust with your team and supervisors.

General Tips on How to Describe Additional Education, Courses, and Trainings in Your Resume

How to indicate in your resume advanced training courses and other taken programs? It is enough to follow simple rules.

1. Stick to reverse chronological order when describing trainings, classes, courses. Start with the last one (or the one you're taking now) and gradually move to the very first one.

2. List only key courses, trainings, and certificates. If they are not directly related to the job, but you are sure it would be useful for the employer to know about them, it is better to put them in the “About Me” section.

3. Do not overuse abbreviations. If you can't do without them, it's better to write the term in full once. Recruiters are not always fluent in specific knowledge of your field; deciphering it will help them better understand your application. The applicant tracking system (ATS) also needs the full name.

4. Use a standard certification description structure. Take note of the main component points of the plan:

Name of course/license/award.

Name of the certifying body that issued the certificate.

Dates of receipt and expiration date.

Location (if applicable).

How should you list courses you have not yet completed on your resume? Include their name and add a note "in progress." If you wish, you can write an estimated completion date.

Common Mistakes

What mistakes do candidates make on their resumes?

Illiteracy. Yes, grammatical errors are the first alarm for a recruiter when reviewing a resume. So check it carefully before sending it in.

False information. Bragging or exaggerated skills often lead to a failed interview.

Poor structure. Employers value the purity of the questionnaire and "funnel" model of presentation, but a rambling style of description.

Inconsistency. Certifications on the resume must fit the job, otherwise, their value will equal zero.

Ignoring. Skipping important blocks is a wrong gesture. Even if you're a newbie with no experience — indicate that on the application.


Writing a questionnaire for candidates can be an overwhelming task. It does not mean that the specialist is bad or illiterate. Now the HR field is transforming, and the rules of filling out profiles are along with it. Of course, you can ask for copywriters' help or visit JOBITT to create a resume using a template that corresponds to the top IT companies' profiles.

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