SAT and ACT Test Dates, Deadlines, Fee Waivers, and FAQ’s

Many colleges require students to take a college-placement test, such as those provided by the College Board and ACT. It is recommended that every student take the ACT and SAT at least once Junior year (Spring semester) and once Senior year (Fall semester). ​ This gives colleges and scholarship organizations multiple test scores to work with for super scoring and eligibility.

SAT Info
Offered at BTHS: SAT Test Dates & Registration Deadlines 2024-2025
BTHS School Code 100809; Test Center Code 10614

ACT Info
Offered at BTHS: ACT Test Dates & Registration Deadlines 2024-2025
BTHS School Code 100809; Test Center Code 207930

SAT and ACT Test Fee Waivers

Students in the 11th and 12th grade who qualify for the Free/Reduced Price Lunch Program may be eligible to take the ACT and SAT for free. Students enrolled in 9th or 10th grade are not eligible for test fee waivers. Students should see their School Counselor for further discussion.

SAT and ACT Frequently Asked Questions

When should I take the tests?
Seniors – each test at least once Fall semester, Senior Year
Juniors – each test at least once Spring semester, Junior Year
Underclassmen – as needed or desired

What is the Bartram Trail High School Code?

How do I pay for the tests?
Students should pay for the tests with a credit card. See above for more information on test fee waivers. Test fee waivers.

What can I use my scores for?
College admissions, scholarships, dual enrollment eligibility, and EOC/FSA Concordant scores.

Who should I send my scores to?
Colleges you are applying or you may apply to in the future.

VERY IMPORTANT – Students will be evaluated for Bright Futures based on official test scores from the FDOE repository. To ensure Office of Student Financial Assistance obtains official test scores: Ensure demographics on your test registration and high school transcript match; and request your official test scores be sent to one of Florida’s 12 state universities when registering for the ACT and/or SAT.

Will taking the test again erase my previous scores?
No. Colleges and Bright Futures often use “Super Scoring” for admissions. This means they use your highest score in each area (no matter when you took the test) and combine them for a Super Score.

What if my score seems low?
Take the test again! Think about how you prepared for the first test. Adjust your prep habits based on what you learned from taking the test. See the above answer about Super Scoring.

BTHS School Counseling