Arizona tobacco license application

42-3401 . Tobacco distributor licenses; application; conditions; revocations and cancellations

A. Every person acquiring or possessing for the purpose of making the initial sale or distribution in this state of any tobacco products on which a tax is imposed by this chapter shall obtain from the department a license to sell tobacco products. The application for the license shall be in the form provided by the department and shall be accompanied by a fee of $25 for each place of business listed in the application. The form shall state that the identity of the applicant will be posted to the department's website for public inspection. The application for a license shall include the applicant's name and address, the applicant's principal place of business, all other places of business where the applicant's business is conducted for the purpose of making the initial sale or distribution of tobacco products in this state, including any location that maintains an inventory of tobacco products, and any other information required by the department. The applicant's principal place of business and other business locations may not include a residential location or post office box address, except as allowed under subsection D, paragraph 2, subdivision (c) of this section. If the applicant is a firm, partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or association, the applicant shall list the name and address of each of the applicant's members. If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall list the name and address of the applicant's officers and any person who directly or indirectly owns an aggregate amount of ten percent or more of the ownership interest in the corporation. If a licensee is a corporation, firm, partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or association, the licensee under this subsection shall notify the department in writing within thirty days after any change in membership, legal entity status or ownership of more than fifty percent of the total ownership interest in a single transaction. If a licensee changes its business location, the licensee under this subsection shall notify the department within thirty days after a change in location. If the licensee is making a change in its business location by adding or replacing one or more additional places of business that are not currently listed on its application, the licensee must remit a fee of $25 for each additional place of business.

B. For the purposes of subsection A of this section, an applicant with a controlling interest in more than one business engaged in activities as a distributor shall apply for a single license encompassing all such businesses and list each place of business in its application. For the purposes of this subsection, "controlling interest" means direct or indirect ownership of at least eighty percent of the voting shares of a corporation or of the interests in a company, business or person other than a corporation.

C. The department shall issue a license authorizing the applicant to acquire or possess tobacco products in this state on the condition that the applicant complies with this chapter and the rules of the department. The license:

1. Shall be nontransferable. A licensee may not transfer its license to a new owner when selling its business, and any court-appointed trustee, receiver or other person shall obtain a license in its own name in cases of liquidation, insolvency or bankruptcy or pursuant to a court order if the business remains in operation as a distributor of tobacco products. In cases of liquidation, insolvency or bankruptcy or pursuant to a court order, the department will not consider a business as remaining in operation under this paragraph if the court-appointed trustee, receiver or other person winds up the business within sixty days after the order is issued. A licensee shall apply for a new license if it changes its legal entity status or otherwise changes the legal structure of its business.

2. Shall be valid for one year unless earlier canceled or revoked by the department.

3. Shall be displayed in a conspicuous place at the licensee's place of business. If the licensee operates from more than one place of business, the licensee must display a copy of its license in a conspicuous place at each location.

D. As a condition of licensure under this section, an applicant agrees to the following conditions:

1. A person may not hold or store any tobacco products, whether within or outside of this state, for sale or distribution in this state by or on behalf of a distributor at any place other than a location that has been disclosed to the department pursuant to subsection A of this section. This paragraph does not include a person holding or storing tobacco products by or on behalf of the distributor when the tobacco products are in transit to a distributor or retailer as part of a lawful sale.

2. All tobacco products held or stored, whether within or outside of this state, for sale or distribution in this state by or on behalf of a distributor:

(a) Shall be accessible to the department during normal business hours without a judicial warrant or prior written consent of the distributor.

(b) May not be held or stored in a vehicle, except as allowed under section 42-3403, subsection B.

(c) May not be held or stored at a residential location, unless the sole luxury for sale or distribution by or on behalf of the distributor is taxed as a cigar under section 42-3052, paragraph 8 or 9 and the product weight of the cigars is not more than five hundred pounds. If the product is held or stored at a residential location, as a condition of licensure, the distributor shall provide written consent and allow access to the department to inspect the stock of luxuries and all books, papers, invoices, records and electronically stored data showing sales, receipts and purchases of luxuries. The distributor shall submit the written consent to the department with the license application or on demand of the department.

3. Tobacco products may be sold, transferred or distributed to a retailer located on an Indian reservation in this state only if the retailer is registered with, and has a registration identification number issued by, the department.

E. A person who is convicted of an offense described in section 42-1127, subsection E is permanently ineligible to hold a license issued under this section.

F. The department may not issue or renew a license to an applicant and may revoke a license issued under subsection C of this section if any of the following applies:

1. The applicant or licensee owes $1,000 or more in delinquent taxes imposed on tobacco products under this chapter that are not under protest or subject to a payment agreement.

2. The department has revoked any license held by the applicant or licensee within the previous two years.

3. The applicant or licensee has been convicted of a crime that relates to stolen or counterfeit cigarettes.

4. The applicant or licensee has imported cigarettes into the United States for sale or distribution in violation of 19 United States Code section 1681a.

5. The applicant or licensee has imported cigarettes into the United States for sale or distribution without fully complying with the federal cigarette labeling and advertising act (P.L. 89-92; 79 Stat. 282; 15 United States Code section 1331).

6. The applicant or licensee is in violation of section 13-3711 or section 36-798.06, subsection A.

7. Pursuant to section 44-7111, section 6(a), the applicant or licensee is in violation of section 44-7111, section 3(c).

8. The civil rights of the applicant or licensee have been suspended under section 13-904. An applicant or licensee whose civil rights have been suspended is ineligible to hold a license for a period of five years following the restoration of the applicant's or licensee's civil rights.

G. In addition to any other civil or criminal penalty and except as otherwise provided in this section, the department may deny the issuance or renewal of or revoke a license issued under subsection C of this section if the person violates any requirement under this title more than two times within a three-year period or fails to otherwise maintain the conditions of licensure in this section.

H. The department shall publish on its website the names of each person who is issued a license under subsection C of this section, including any trade names or business names used by the licensee. The department shall update the published names at least once each month.

I. A person may not apply for or hold a distributor's license if that person does not engage in the activities described in subsection A of this section. In addition to any other applicable penalty, the department may cancel the license of any licensee that fails to incur any tax liability under this chapter for twelve consecutive months.

J. Any revocation, cancellation or denial of a license issued under this section by the department must comply with section 41-1092.11, subsection B.

K. Notwithstanding any other law, for the purposes of subsection F, paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section, section 42-1127, subsection C and section 42-3461, subsection B, if a distributor has listed in its application more than one place of business, any revocation, cancellation, denial or nonrenewal of the distributor's license shall apply only with effect to remove the place of business or business location at which the activity occurred from the distributor's license. If such a removal occurs, the distributor shall be subject to restrictions that the department prescribes by rule.